Liz Underhill
Clarity Mindset Heart Song CoachHelping You Live Life On Your Terms
Telephone/Text 1-519-520-2922
Hi I’m Liz
My Credentials!
Transformational Mind Coach.
Master Hypnotist H.T. M.h.t.
Master Weight Loss Coach
That you’re here is no coincidence.
Trust the Universe!
My Story
We all have different stories as to why and how we came to be in the situation we find ourselves in. . Mine was living a horrendous childhood, one that if it was today, my father would be locked up and the key would be thrown away. I was not a wanted child and was so reminded of it often. I left home at 16 and then married an abusive husband.
My heart song from childhood was to be a country singer and a writer, which was buried in an abusive father and further by an abusive husband and then having 3 children. Always…their needs took precedence over my own. But I ached to realize my own dreams which at the time, I could never believe would happen.
I filled the hole in my heart with food. From the time I was a young girl until my 30’s, my life was an eating cage, with no open door. Yes, I dieted and dieted and dieted, only to gain it all back and more.
FINALLY I’d had enough! No more dieting! No more calorie counting! No more portions! No more pills! I realized that something was wrong, when 85% of us lose weight only to gain it back and more. I had to take full responsibility for my life. I finally released my heart song of writing and music and hey…I lost 50 pounds with no dieting, wrote the course you will find below and oh yes lost another 186 pounds (wasband) and a lifetime of physical and mental abuse. I was determined to discover why 85% of us lose weight only to gain it back and more. I knew it was more than counting calories, portions, etc.
So! I binged on learning how to use my mind to lose weight permanently.
I Learned:
Weight is not the problem!
Weight loss, permanent weight loss,
Begins on the inside.
And to do that, I’d have to
learn how to recognize my sabotaging,
self-defeating thoughts,
Change my beliefs,
And attract positive thoughts that would,
allow me to get my high on life and not food
which then
Created permanent change
That’s what I did!
My Values & Beliefs
I Believe We Are All Born With A Heart Song
We are given this gift as children and somewhere along the way, we lose it,
perhaps parents, teachers, family. Until
it is unleashed we are always trying to
fill the void with a multitude of habits – shiny objects, food, drugs, shopping, anything to make us feel better.
I Believe It Is Our Duty to Unleash This Gift Into The World
We are all given a special gift to share
with the world. Our way to contribute to others. When we allow it to come out,
our entire world changes and we find the
love we have been searching for on the ouside, was hiding in plain site
on the inside.
I Believe When We Live The Following 10 Commandments, Life Is So Amazing!
1. Seek joy first and foremost
2. Seek reasons to laugh
3. Seek reasons to offer words of praise
to self and others
4. Seek beauty in nature, beasts, and
other humans
5. Seek reasons to love. In every
segment of every day – look for
something that brings forth within you a
feeling of love
6. Seek that which uplifts you
7. See opportunity to offer that which
uplifts another
8. Seek a feeling of well-being
9. Know that your value can only be
measured in terms of joy
10. Acknowledge your absolute freedom
to do any of the things or to not do any of theses things – for it is without exception,
your choice in every moment of every day.
Abraham Hicks
Don't Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!