Explore Ways and Means to Release Your Purpose Filled Life.
Share With Others As We Explore How To Not Only Live Your Purpose, But How To
Get Rid Of Mind, Body, and Household Toxins

005 Is Your heart Song Buried Under Food?
Before you can lose weight permanently you must find out what’s eating you! I know that sounds a wee bit harsh, but hey, you came to this podcast to learn to release your purpose filled life and one of the sabotaging ways you stuff your heart song down is with food. ...

004 What’s Holding You Back Is In Your Head!
Abuse can be physical or mental or any situation that finds you letting someone else control who you are.

003 Ten Hints That Are Preventing You From Living a Purpose Filled Life
I’ve received emails from all sorts of women in various stages of their life, either not sure what it is they want, or how can they find it, to women who are aware of their purpose, but are lost as to how to get it out into the world, or they are just plain afraid...
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